At Oakhill you will find that our worship services are designed to lead us into worship of the Lord in "spirit and truth" (John 4:23-24). This tone for Biblical worship is set through powerful, expositional preaching of the Word of God. Every sermon is set around a particular text that the Lord gives for that day. This Biblical focus lays the foundation for our response in worship through all that we do be it giving, singing, and prayer of confession. The Distinctives of Oakhill: include a focus on understanding, experiencing and living out amazing grace. We are a 100% grace church ... not 99%! You won't hear any legalism, human effort or striving as part of the Gospel proclaimed in our church. We believe the grace of God, through the finished work of the Cross, sets people free to be transformed into His image. We also believe that every believer needs a growing understanding of this amazing grace and application for the Word of God to every area of life. When God's grace through His Word is properly proclaimed, lives are changed...it is that simple!
Our church was started as a mission church about 50 years ago in a local school. Over the years, the church as grown and developed through several building programs to the present facility. Our membership is a wonderful mix of ages and backgrounds from all over West Michigan. Spiritually speaking our congregation would consider itself evangelical in nature. We believe the Bible is the Word of God, Christ is our only Savior and we want the world to hear the Good News of the Gospel. Our church is a joyous member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, a group of churches that have joined together in covenantal love for mutual support, encouragement, accountability and common mission to the world.
The people you will meet on any given Sunday came to our church to find the Lord and grow in their faith. And while you will find us doctrinally very strong on the essentials of the Faith, our church does not fight about the non-essentials of the Faith. Instead, we want everyone to experience a true freedom in the Lord that is liberating and life changing. The atmosphere at Oakhill is very family oriented because we see ourselves as the family of God and the Body of Christ. Many of our families are married with children, but we also have singles and divorced people nestled in the sanctuary. Oakhill is a church where the love of Christ is extended to all and we think you will find our church devoid of legalism and religious games.
At the center of our church is the Lord Jesus Christ. We love the Lord and are passionate about Him to the glory of God the Father through the power of the Spirit. Our church is known for powerful preaching and teaching with a strong doctrinal foundation. We think you will learn and experience things about the Lord that are fresh and life changing.
Oakhill is a place for people who want to grow in their faith by becoming real disciples of our Lord. We invite you to go with us on this journey to the New Jerusalem.