"Seeking to Deepen Our Relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ"
Oakhill Church Discipleship Hour: 9:00 am (September-May)
1930 Leonard NE Worship Service: 10:30 am
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 Prayer Fellowship: Wednesday, 7:00 pm
(616)456-5626 Pastor's Mid-week Bible Study: Thursday, 7:00 pm
e-mail: [email protected]
Oakhill Church is located one mile east on Leonard from the major intersection of Leonard Street and Fuller Avenue in the Northeast of Grand Rapids. . You may also reach our church from I 96 off the Leonard Street exit. The church is about a mile west from that major exit. In addition, you can find us by taking the 196 exit at Fuller Avenue and turn left or head north to Leonard Street, then right or east to the church.