Oakhill offers Guided Tours to the Promised Land - hosted by Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson. Since 1992 Jeff has led groups of pilgrims to the Promised Land, bringing along his depth of understanding of the Word, God's plan for Israel and the world. These have been life changing trips for everyone who goes, bringing the Bible alive in ways you can't imagine unless you are there. Walking on the very pathways the Lord Jesus walked, being baptized in the River Jordan, standing at Golgotha and looking into the empty tomb refreshes our faith and changes lives forever. The knowledge and insights about the Lord and his Word that you will receive from such a trip are beyond words. Below are some sample pictures of this marvelous "homeland" for all who call on His Name.
Pastor Jeff and his wife Dianne last trip was held in June of 2023. It was an AMAZING trip. If you would more information about future trips you may call the church office at 616 456-5626 or email the church at [email protected] for more information.. This year in Jerusalem !