02.09.25 - John 2:1-11 - “The First Miracle of Life-Do You Know It?”
02.02.25 - Matthew 16:1-4 - “Even the Groundhogs Are Watching”
01.26.25 - 1 Corinthians 3:1-15 - “Are We Building Anything for Eternity?”
01.19.25 - Luke 1:26-45 - “Have You Heard about Conception Redemption?”
01.12.25 - John 15:1-17 - "Would You Cut It Off?"
01.05.25 - 2 Samuel 9 - “New Year’s Hope for Dead Dogs”
12.29.24 - Luke 2:41-52 - “What Happens When You Can’t Find Jesus?”
1.24.24 - Luke 1:39-45 - "Leaping for Joy" - CHRISTMAS EVE
12.22.24 - Luke 1:26-38 - “Christ in Mary; Christ in Us”
12.15.24 - Luke 2:25-35 - “A Lifetime of Waiting”
12.08.24 - Isaiah 60:1-16 - “Discovering the Real Meaning of the Wise Men”
12.01.24 - Luke 2:1-12 - “Helpless As a Baby”
11.24.24 - Romans 12:9-21 - “Hate….According to the Bible” - guest Pastor Wayne Nelson
11.17.24 - Act 16:6-40 -“From Riverside Park to the Downtown Market to Kent County Jail” - guest Pastor Wayne Nelson
11.10.24 - 2 Timothy 1:1-7 - “Can the Family Be Saved?”
11.03.24 - John 5:31-47 - "Leaders from Hell"
10.27.24 - Romans 1:1-17 - “Does Anyone Want to Go to Heaven?”
10.20.24 - Matthew 5:13-16 - “Can God Ever Be Silenced?”
10.13.24 - Ephesians 2:11-22 - “The Last Battle: Globalism vs. Nationalism”
10.06.24 - Genesis 15 - “The Certainty of the Promised Land”
09.29.24 - Genesis 19:1-19 - “The Catastrophe of Compromise”
09.22.24 - Luke 19:28-44 - "The Wounded Lover"
09.15.24 - Ezekiel 33:1-9 - “Are We Protecting the People We Love?”
09.08.24 - Luke 18:2-6 - “God: An Unjust Judge?” - missionary guest Michael Carlson
09.01.24 - Revelation 21:1-8 - “No Longer Any Sea – The Final Rest” - LABOR DAY WEEKEND
08.25.24 - 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 - "Finish Strong" - guest Randy Heckman
08.18.24 - Matthew 6:9-13 - “The Indispensability of the Lord’s Prayer” - guest Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño
08.11.24 - Psalm 23:1-3 - "The Lord Is My Shepherd - guest Professor William Wagner
08.04.24 - Daniel 10:10-21 - “Angels and Demons” - guest Pastor Ralph A. Rebandt II
07.28.24 - Romans 13:8-14 - “Love…..According to God” - guest Pastor Wayne Nelson
07.21.24 - Luke 9:21-27 - “Christ’s Invitation to Life and Freedom” - guest Pastor Dominick Burkhard
07.14.24 - Luke 18:1-8 - "Never, Never, Never Give Up"
07.07.24 - Luke 13:25-35 - “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor”
06.30.24 - John 8:31-59 - "Is Slavery Coming Back to America?”
06.23.24 - Matthew 22:1-14 - “The Wedding Banquet is Coming Soon”
06.16.24 - Ephesians 6:1-9 - “Wait Till Your Father Comes Home!”
06.09.24 - Psalm 1 - "Flying Blind-Discipleship in a World of Artificial Intelligence"
06.02.24 Romans 3:9-26 - “Does God Ever Get Angry?”
05.26.24 - 2 Chronicles 35:20-27 - "The Unknown Soldier" - MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND
05.19.24 - Acts 2:1-13 - "The Holy Spirit's Great Work in Our Lives"
05.12.24 - Matthew 15:21-25 - "Our Mothers and the Heart of God No One Knows"
05.05.24 - Matthew 6:25-34 - “Stopping to Smell the Roses of our Lives”
04.28.24 - Luke 19:1-10 - "Have We Taken the "Jesus Challenge?"
04.21.24 - 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 - "Resurrected Bodies-What's Coming for Us?"
04.14.24 - John 21:15-25 - "Fast Food Christianity"
04.07.24 - John 21:1-14 - “All in for Jesus”
03.31.24 - John 20 - “I Have Seen the Lord” - EASTER SUNDAY
03.24.24 - Luke 19:28-40 - “All Tied Up and Nowhere to Go” - PALM SUNDAY
03.17.24 - John 11:38-57 - “All Crosses Lead to Resurrections”
03.10.24 - Galatians 2:11-21 - “Crucified with Christ”
03.03.24 - Genesis 22:1-19 - “The Wood, the Fire, the Knife”
02.25.24 - Matthew 16:21-17:5 - "How Much is a Soul Worth Today?”
02.18.24 - Isaiah 6 - “Do We Really Need a Savior?”
02.11.24 - Matthew 22:34-40 - “Do We Know God’s Only Commandment?”
02.04.24 - 1 John 4:7-21 - "Why Love Explains Everything"
01.28.24 - Ephesians 4:1-16 - "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father"
01.21.24 - Leviticus 25 - "Powerful Lessons from the Jubilee"
01.14.24 - John 15:18-16:16 - "How Did Evil End Up Becoming Good?"
01.07.24 - Isaiah 62 - "God's Purpose for Israel and the Nations of the World"
12.31.23 - Matthew 2 - "The Birth of Christ and the Unstoppable Plans of the Lord"
12.24.23 - Luke 2:1-20 - "Treasured Memories of Christmas that Last Forever” - CHRISTMAS EVE - Morning Worship
12.17.23 - Isaiah 35 - “When the Lame Leap-The Coming Messianic Age”
12.10.23 - Genesis 3:1-15 - "Merry Christmas from the Garden of Eden"
12.03.23 - Luke 2:21-35 - "Christmas Communion"
11.26.23 - John 4:1-42 - "Bringing in the Harvest"
11.19.23 - Hebrews 11:1-16 - "The Pilgrims--Longing for a Better Country"
11.12.23 - Mark 1:14-28 - "Please Take Me to Your Leader"
11.05.23 - John 6:25-35 - "What Does God Require of Us?"
10.29.23 - Galatians 1:1-12 - "Have You Escaped Christian Purgatory?" - REFORMATION SUNDAY
10.22.23 - Hosea 2:14-23 - "They Lived Happily Ever After"
10.15.23 - Isaiah 65:17-25 - "Israel's Death, Burial, Resurrection and Restoration"
10.08.23 - Matthew 27:32-56 - "God's Open Door to Heaven"
10.01.23 - Romans 3:21-26 - "Life's Greatest Discovery: God's Righteousness Apart from the Law"
09.24.23 - Exodus 25:1-22 - "Meeting God Face to Face-What a Moment!"
09.17.23 - Matthew 4:12-22 - "The Spiritual Beauty of Repentance"
09.10.23 - Psalm 1 - "The Power of the Word to Change Everything in Life"
09.03.23 - Matthew 11:28-12:14 - "The Lord of Rest in a Restless World"
08.27.23 - Joshua 3:1-6 - "You Have Not Passed This Way Before" - guest, Rev. David Brown
08.20.23 - Luke 10:25-37 - "Above and Beyond" - guest, Randy DonGiovanne
08.13.23 - Joshua 1:5-9 - "I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You" - guest, Professor William Wagner
08.06.23 - Luke 24 - "Recognizing the Risen Lord" - guest, Wayne Nelson
07.30.23 - 2 Timothy 4 - "The Distinguished Pastoral Art of Saying Nothing Important" - A Special Series on 2 Timothy
07.23.23 - 2 Timothy 3 - "The Last Days, When Man Becomes God" - A Special Series on 2 Timothy
07.16.23 - 2 Timothy 2 - "How Do You Correctly Handle Jesus?" - A Special Series on 2 Timothy
07.09.23 - 2 Timothy 1 - "The Incredible Power & Need of Mentors" - A Special Series on 2 Timothy
07.02.23 - John 8:31-47 - "Truth & Freedom, Lies & Slavery" - INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND
06.25.23 - Luke 10:25-37 - "Walking with Jesus on the Jericho Road"
06.18.23 - 1 John 3:1 - "Good, Good Father" - guest, Rev. Lonnie Shields - FATHER'S DAY
06.11.23 - Genesis 2:1-3 - "Looking Back, Looking Forward" - Youth Director, Doug Suess
06.04.23 - Acts 2:14-41 - "Are You Out to Change Your World?" - guest, Rev. David Brown
05.28.23 - Acts 2:1-13 - "Pentecost-The World's Greatest Celebration"
05.21.23 - Matthew 6:1-21 - "Storing Up Treasures in Heaven"
05.14023 - Proverbs 31:10-31 - "Be Fruitful and Multiply: The Glory of the Family in a Culture of Death" - MOTHER"S DAY
05.07.23 - Deuteronomy 21:18-23 - "Removing God's Curse from Our Lives"
04.30.23 - John 20:19-29 - "Finding Certainty in an Uncertain World"
04.23.23 - John 21:15-25 - "The Christian Life According to the Apostle Peter"
04.16.23 - Matthew 28:11-15 -"How Do You Kill Eleven Million People?"
04.09.23 - John 20:1-18 - "The Circle of Life, the Circle of Love" - EASTER SUNDAY
04.02.23- John 12:12-19 - "Have You Selected Your Lamb?" - PALM SUNDAY
03.26.23 - John 12:1-11 - "The Fragrant Smell of a Sacrificial Life"
03.19.23 - Luke 22:36-62 - "Holy Sweat"
03.12.23 - Psalm 88 - "Buried Alive"
03.05.23 - Matthew 27:11-44 - "Trading Crosses-The Great Exchange"
02.26.23 - Matthew 16:21-28 - "Running from the Cross"
02.19.23 - Matthew 6:13-20 - "The Great Offense of Christianity"
02.12.23 - 2 Samuel 9 - "Loving the Unlovable"
02.05.23 - Matthew 4:1-11 - "How Do You Talk to the Devil?"
01.29.23 - Nehemiah 8 - "Standing in the Presence of the Word"
01.22.23 - 2 Kings 23:1-25 - "The Power of the Word to Change Everything"
01.15.23 - Matthew 14:13-21 - "Finding Surplus for Our Lives in a World of Shortages"
01.08.23 - Deuteronomy 30:11-20 - "Choosing Life in a Culture of Death"
01.01.23 - Luke 2:21-24 - "Completing Our Purification"
12.25.22 - Luke 2:1-20 - "Christmas Reunions" - CHRISTMAS DAY
12.18.22 - Matthew 2:1-18 - "Can Christmas Be Stolen?" - 4th Sunday in Advent
12.11.22 - Luke 1:26-38 - "For Nothing Is Impossible with God" - 3rd Sunday in Advent
11.27.22 - Isaiah 9:1-10 - "God and Government in the Last Days" - 1st Sunday in Advent
11.20.22 - Genesis 12:1-9 - "The Pilgrim's Progress-And Our Journey to the Celestial City"
11.13.22 - 2 Kings 25:1-21 - "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church"
11.06.22 - 1 Corinthians 2 - "Transformed Heart and Mind" - Part 7-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
10.30.22 - Romans 4:1-12 - "Amazing God, Amazing Grace" - Part 6-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
10.23.22 - John 8:13-47 - "Nobody's Perfect!!! Right???" - Part 5-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
10.16.22 - Job 38 - "Rediscovering that God is God" - Part 4-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
10.09.22 - Ephesians 2:1-10 - "Demons on Our Doorstep" - Part 3-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
10.02.22 - 2 Timothy 3:10-17 - "Why People Don't Trust the Bible and What to Do about it" - Part 2-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
09.25.22 - Exodus 20:1-21 - "Does the Lord Change?" - Part 1-A Special Series on a Christian Worldview
09.18.22 - Luke 15:25-32 - "The Sin of Spiritual Carnality" - guest, Rev. Bert Block
09.11.22 - Matthew 7:24-29 - "Sand vs. Rock-Worldview at the Close of the Age"
09.04.22 - John 19:1-16 - "King of Thornes"
08.28.22 - Psalm 139:13 & 16 - "Speaking for the Unborn Child" - guest, Professor WilliamWagner
08.21.22 - Psalm 130 - "From the Depths" - guest, Pastor Dan Cheevers
08.14.22 - Youth Led Worship - "Finding Your Joy" - Doug Suess, Youth & Children's Ministry Director
08.07.22 - Hebrews 4:14-5:10 - "An Exalted High Priest, a Destructive Death" - guest, Wayne Nelson
07.31.22 - Romans 10:13-14, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Matthew 25:14-30 - "Foundational Ingredients that Will Save America" - guest, Pastor Dominic Burkhard
07.24.22 - Matthew 6:19-34 - "Greater Than Solomon's Glory"
07.17.22 - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 - "Transformed Lives" - missionary guest, Greg Doolittle
07.10.22 - Luke 4:1-30 - "Freedom for the Prisoners"
07.03.22 - 1 Kings 18:20-40 - "Church or State? Decision Time Has Come"
06.26.22 - Ephesians 2:11-22 - "Those People?" - missionary guest, Dr. Ed McCallum
06.19.22 - John 14 - "Everyone Has a Father in Heaven"
06.12.22 - Acts 2:22-47 - "Powerful Lessons from the Early Church"
06.05.22 - Acts 2:1-21 - "The Baptism of Fire" - PENTECOST
05.29.22 - John 15:1-17 - "Finding Something to Die For"
05.22.22 - Matthew 15:21-28 - "What Is Amazing Faith?" - Part 2
05.15.22 - Luke 7:1-10 - "What Is Amazing Faith?" - Part 1
05.08.22 - 1 Timothy 2:1-7 - "Everyone Needs a Mediator"
05.01.22 - John 21:1-14 - "Jumping In for Jesus"
04.24.22 - John 20:19-31 - "The Power of Community"
04.17.22 - John 20:1-18 - "There's No Place Like Home" - EASTER
04.14.22 - Matthew 27:45-46 - "The Great Separation" - GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE
04.10.22 - John 12:12-19 - "How Do You Stop a Resurrection Party?" - PALM SUNDAY
04.03.22 - John 12:1-11 - "Wasting Our Lives for the Lord"
03.27.22 - John 11:1-44 - "What Happens When God Cries?"
03.20.22 - Numbers 21:4-9 - "Lifting the Cross Higher"
03.13.22 - Colossians 2:9-15 - "Disarming Hell"
03.06.22 - Exodus 15:19-27 - "The Sweetness of the Cross"
02.27.22 - Matthew 24:1-25 - "Watch Out That No One Deceives You" - Part 7 of a Special Series on Discernment
02.20.22 - Luke 5:27-32 - "The Disappearance of Sin" - Part 6 of a Special Series on Discernment
02.13.22 - 1 Corinthians 13 - "Deceived by Love" - Part 5 of a Special Series on Discernment
02.06.22 - Colossians 2:1-12 - "The Deception of Knowledge" - Part 4 of a Special Series on Discernment
01.30.22 - 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 - " The Rise of the Super Apostles" - Part 3 of a Special Series on Discernment
01.23.22 - Jude vs. 1-4 - "The Infiltrators" - Part 2 of a Special Series on Discernment
01.16.22 - Exodus 32:1-24 - "Revisionism" - Part 1 of a Special Series on Discernment
01.09.22 - Matthew 2:1-12 - "The Gift of the Wisemen" - guest, Wayne Nelson
01.02.22 - Joshua 5:1-12 - "The Pain of Leaving the Old Life Behind"
12.26.21 - Matthew 2:1-12 - "Finding the Child in a World of Wrong Directions"
12.24.21 - Luke 1 & 2 - "Gifts We Need to Receive; Gifts We Need to Give" - CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE
12.19.21 - Luke 2:1-20 - "The Mystery, Majesty, Magnitude and Meaning of the Manger" - 4th SUNDAY IN ADVENT
12.12.21 - Luke 2:25-35 - "Waiting a Lifetime" - 3rd SUNDAY IN ADVENT
12.05.21 - Luke 1:26-45 - "The Dawning of the Messianic Age" - 2nd SUNDAY IN ADVENT
11.28.21 - Genesis 21:1-7 - "Christmas in Genesis" - 1st SUNDAY IN ADVENT
11.14.21 - Deuteronomy 7:1-5, Joshua 2:8-14 - "Divine Irony: a Canaanite Theologian" - substitute, Wayne Nelson
11.07.21 - 1 John 5:1-13 - "Assurance 101"
10.31.21 - Romans 7:7-25 - "Purgatory for Beginners" - REFORMATION SUNDAY
10.24.21 - Revelation 21:1-14 - "Living Like the Bride: Part 6" A Special Series on the Bride of Christ in the Bible
10.17.21 - Revelation 19:6-16 - "Living Like the Bride: Part 5" A Special Series on the Bride of Christ in the Bible
10.10.21 - John 2:1-11 - "Living Like the Bride: Part 4" A Special Series on the Bride of Christ in the Bible
10.03.21 - John 3:16-30 - "Living Like the Bride: Part 3" A Special Series on the Bride of Christ in the Bible
09.26.21 - Genesis 24:1-18 - "Living Like the Bride: Part 2" A Special Series on the Bride of Christ in the Bible
09.19.21 - Genesis 2:18-25 - "Living Like the Bride: Part 1" A Special Series on the Bride of Christ in the Bible
09.12.21 - Revelation 3:14-22 - "The 6% Church"
09.05.21 - Genesis 7:11-8:17 - "Finding Rest in the Storm"
08.29.21 - Acts 19:1-7 - "And We Believe in the Holy Spirit" - guest, Dr. John Duff
08.22.21 - Acts 26:12-20 - "The Most Important Job, Don't Be Clueless" - guest, Rev. Bert Block
08.15.21 - Proverbs 1:1-7 - "Wisdom or Folly" - guest, Professor William Wagner
08.08.21 - Mark 10:17-22 - "Because Jesus Loves Me..." - guest, Wayne Nelson
08.01.21 - Revelation 5 - "Worthy Is the Lamb”
07.25.21 - Genesis 1 & 2:15-17 - "Why Do You Work?" - guest, Doug Herrema
07.18.21 - Revelation 21 - "A Guided Tour of Heaven"
07.11.21 - Matthew 20:1-16 - "The Surprise of Grace"
07.04.21 - Luke 4:14-21 - "Let Freedom Ring" - INDEPENDENCE DAY
06.27.21 - Luke 4:14-30 - "When Heroes Come Home" - Special Guest, Jim Sprague-Executive Director Pregnancy Resource Center
06.20.21 - Ephesians 6:1-4 - "Exasperating Fathers" - FATHER'S DAY
06.13.21 - 2 Timothy 3 - "Can We Really Trust the Bible Anymore?"
06.06.21 - John 6:53-71 - "Lord, You Have the Words of Eternal Life"
05.30.21 - Deuteronomy 8 - "The Danger of Forgetting the Past" - MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND
05.23.21 - Acts 2:1-13 - "A New Creation In a World of Chaos" - PENTECOST SUNDAY
05.16.21 - Romans 13:1-7 - "The Church, the State and the Responsibility of the Christian" - guest, Pastor Rick Whitehead
05.09.21 - Matthew 20:17-28 - "Everyone Needs a Jewish Mother" - MOTHER'S DAY
05.02.21 - Revelation 20:1-6 - "Thy Kingdom Come: Part 4" - A Special Series on the Millennial Reign of Christ
04.25.21 - Isaiah 65:17-25 - "Thy Kingdom Come: Part 3" - A Special Series on the Millennial Reign of Christ
04.18.21 - Micah 4:1-5 - "Thy Kingdom Come: Part 2" - A Special Series on the Millennial Reign of Christ
04.11.21 - Acts 1:1-11 - "Thy Kingdom Come: Part 1" - A Special Series on the Millennial Reign of Christ
04.04.21 - Matthew 28:1-15 - "Powerful Lies, Powerful Truths" - EASTER
03.28.21 - Matthew 21:1-17 - "The Ride of Our Lives" - PALM SUNDAY
03.21.21 - Matthew 27:11-26 - "The Great Exchange-Part 5: Barabbas"
03.14.21 - Galatians 2:15-21 - "The Great Exchange-Part 4: Paul"
03.07.21 - 2 Samuel 18:9-33 - "The Great Exchange-Part 3: Absalom"
02.28.21 - Leviticus 16:1-22 - "The Great Exchange-Part 2: Israel"
02.21.21 - Genesis 22:1-14 - "The Great Exchange-Part 1: Isaac"
02.14.21 - Genesis 24:1-27 - "Would You Say 'Yes'?"
02.07.21 - Psalm 119:1-16 - "The Hidden Word"
01.31.21 - Exodus 1:1-2:10 - "Profiles in Biblical Courage--Shiphrah & Puah" - Part 4
01.24.21 - Daniel 6 - "Profiles in Biblical Courage--Daniel" - Part 3
01.17.21 - Acts 16:16-40 - "Profiles in Biblical Courage--Paul" - Part 2
01.10.21 - Esther 4:9-5:4 - "Profiles in Biblical Courage--Esther" - Part 1
01.03.20 - Exodus 12:1-30 - "Leaving It All Behind"
12.27.20 - Luke 2:21-40 - "Waiting a Lifetime for Life at Christmas"
12.20.20 - Luke 2:1-7 - "Divine Appointments at Christmas"
12.13.20 - Luke 2:26-38 - "Uniting Heaven and Earth"
12.06.20 - Matthew 1:12-25 - "Adoptive Fathers"
11.29.20 - Luke 1:1-25 - "Christmas Resurrections"
11.22.20- Ezekiel 33:1-20 - "In the Interests of the Community" - guest, Elder Rich Dausman
11.15.20 - Isaiah 61:1-13 - "I See the Lord" - guest, Pastor Brian Bosscher
11.08.20 - Psalm 23 - "Everyone Needs a Shepherd"
11.01.20 - Romans 3:9-26 - "I Admit I Deserve Death and Hell, What of It?" Reformation Sunday
10.25.20 - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 - "Renewed Minds in a Media-seducing World" Part 6
10.18.20 - Acts 19:23-41 - "Renewed Minds in a Media-seducing World" Part 5
10.11.20 - Daniel 3 - "Renewed Minds in a Media-seducing World" Part 4
10.04.20 - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 - "Renewed Minds in a Media-seducing World" Part 3
09.27.20 - 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 - "Renewed Minds in a Media-seducing World" Part 2
09.20.20 - Romans 11:33-12:2 - "Renewed Minds in a Media-seducing World"-Part 1
09.13.20 - Matthew 22:34-40 - "Lord, Teach Me to Love"
09.06.20 - John 19:1-16 - "Finding Real Power in Our Lives"
08.30.20 - Genesis 3:1-15/Isaiah 40:12-17 - "How Scripture Confronts the Problem of Evil" -guest Professor from Cornerstone University
Dr. John Duff
08.23.20 - Job 1:13-22 - "God Is So....Good?" - guest Professor from Cornerstone University Dr. John Duff
08.16.20 - 2 Peter 1:1-11 - "Foundations" - guest Tom Broughton
08.09.20 - Matthew 28:16-20/Various Passages - "How Would God Have Us Live in These Crazy Times?" - guest Randy Heckman
08.02.20 - John 1:29 & Luke 23:44-46 - "There's Power in the Blood" - guest Pastor Brian Bosscher
07.26.20 - Matthew 4:1-11 - "Overcoming Temptation" - guest Dave VanderVeen
07.19.20 - Jeremiah 31:27-35 - "Hope for Restoration" - guest Pastor Shadrack Owuor
07.12.20 - Isaiah 40 - "Through the Storms" - guest Professor William Wagner
07.05.20 - 1 Samuel 17:24-51 - "Great Courage Builds Great Nations"
06.28.20 - 1 John 4:1-6 - "How Heaven Fell"
06.21.20 - Malachi 4 - "Turning the Hearts of the Fathers to Their Children" - Father's Day
06.14.20 - 1 Kings 18:17-40 - "Everyone Bows Before Someone"
06.07.20 - Psalm 119:1-24 - "A Love Affair with the Word"
05.31.20 - Acts 2:1-21 - "From Chaos to Order...Again"
05.24.20 - Acts 1:1-11 - "Following In His Footsteps"
05.17.20 - Luke 18:1-8 - "A Faith that Never Says Never"
05.10.20 - Zephaniah 3:11-20 - "Rejoicing Over Us with Singing" - Mother's Day
05.03.20 - 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 - "More than 500 People at the Same Time"
04.26.20 - Acts 1:1-11 - "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done"
04.19.20 - John 20:19-31 - "Meeting the Risen Lord for the First Time"
04.12.20 - John 20:1-18 - "They Lived Happily Ever After: - Easter Sunday
04.05.20 - Luke 19:28-44 - "Finding Hidden Peace in a Stormy World"
03.29.20 - Matthew 17:1-13 - "Needed Glory before the Cross"
03.22.20 - Acts 9:1-22 - "Trophies of Amazing Grace--Paul"
FULL SERVICE - 03.22.20 - Acts 9:1-22 - Trophies of Amazing Grace--Paul"
03.15.20 - 2 Samuel 11 - "Trophies of Amazing Grace--David"
03.08.20 - Exodus 2 - "Trophies of Amazing Grace--Moses"
03.01.20 - Luke 15:11-32 - "Returning Home"
02.23.20 - Genesis 12 - "Blessed to Bless the World" - The Essentials Series #7
02.16.20 - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - "The Lord's Return" - The Essentials Series #6
02.09.20 - 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 - "The True Church" - The Essentials Series #5
02.02.20 - Romans 3:21-4:8 - "Justification by Faith Alone"- The Essentials Series #4
01.26.20 - Exodus 20:1-21 - "I Am the Lord Your God" - guest Elder Ryan Balili
01.19.20 - John 15:5-16 - "The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit" - The Essentials Series #3
01.12.20 - Matthew 16:13-20 - "The Person & Work of Christ" - The Essentials Series #2
01.05.20 - Matthew 28:16-20 - "The Trinity" - The Essentials Series #1
12.29.19 - Luke 2:21-24 - "The Eighth Day of Christmas"
12.22.19 - Luke 1:26-45 - "The One Thing that Will Never Change" - 4th Week in Advent
12.15.19 - Matthew 1:18-25 - "Understanding Givers and Their Gifts" - 3rd Week in Advent
12.8.19 - Luke 2:1-7 - "Why Bethlehem?" - 2nd Week in Advent
12.1.19 - Isaiah 9:1-7 - "Nevertheless" - 1st Week in Advent
11.24.19 - Revelation 21:9-27 - "A Thanksgiving Tour of Heaven" - Prayer Series #4: Thanksgiving
11.10.19 - Psalm 148 - "The Incredible Power of Praise" - Prayer Series #2: Adoration
11.3.19 - Psalm 51 - "Why We Really Need a Savior" - Prayer Series #1: Confession
10.27.19 - Deuteronomy 6 - "A Faith that Is Caught and Taught"
10.20.19 - John 2:1-11 - "When the Potter Became the Clay" - guest Elder Phil Walsh
10.13.19 - Exodus 32:1-24 - "Why Christians Don't Hear from God"
10.06.19 - Genesis 14:17-15:6 - "The World's First Communion"
09.29.19 - Matthew 20:17-28 - "How to Turn the Nation Upside Down" - Suffering Servant Series #4
09.22.19 - Philippians 1:1-14 - "How to Turn the Church Upside Down" - Suffering Servant Series #3
09.15.19 - Ephesians 5:25-6:4 - "How to Turn the Family Upside Down" - Suffering Servant Series #2
09.08.19 - Isaiah 53 - "How to Turn the World Upside Down" - Suffering Servant Series #1
09.01.19 - Daniel 2:26-47 - "Living Out the Mysteries of God One Day at a Time"
08.25.19 - 2 Kings 5:1-17 - "The Rewards of Obedience" - guest Rev. Bert Block
08.18.19 - 1 John 4:7-12 - "What's Love Got to Do with It?" - guest Dr. John Duff
08.11.19 - Acts 17:1-15 - "They Received the Message with Eagerness" - guest Dr. Jonathan Marko
08.04.19 - Matthew 9:36-38 - "The Soul Reason" - guest Rev. Bill Campbell
07.28.19 - Romans 1:1-17 - "Rediscovering God and Changing the World"
07.21.19 - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 - "Finding Truth in a Media World of Delusions"
07.07.19 - Daniel 3:1-18 - "These Are the Times that Try Men's Souls" - 4th of July Weekend
06.30.19 - John 15:1-17 - "Why Christians Don't Grow, Part 2: Pruning, Pruning, Pruning"
06.23.19 - John 15:1-17 - "Why Christians Don't Grow, Part 1: Location, Location, Location"
06.16.19 - Matthew 3:13-17 - "A Well Pleased Father" - Father's Day
06.09.19 - Acts 2:1-12 - "Heaven Filling Earth" -Pentecost
06.02.19 - Psalm 45 - "Beautiful Bridegroom"
05.26.19 - Ephesians 6:10-20 - "The Hidden War" - Memorial Day Weekend
05.19.19 - Psalm 1 - "The Blessed Man"
05.12.19 - Galatians 4:19-31 - "Jerusalem Is Our Mother" - Mother's Day
05.05.19 - John 21:1-14 - "The Art of Fishing"
04.28.19 - Mathew 28:11-20 - "Worshiping the Risen Lord without Doubts"
04.21.19 - Luke 24:1-27 - "Disappointments That Never Seem to Go Away" - Easter Sunday
04.19.19 - Luke 23:26-49 - "Beating Our Breasts" - Good Friday
04.14.19 - John 12:1-19 - "The Roller Coaster of the Christian Life" - Palm Sunday
04.07.19 - John 11:38-53 - "How God Always Works Evil into Good"
03.31.19 - Philippians 4:10-23 - "Finding Contentment in an Anxious World" - Philippians Series #9
03.24.19 - Philippians 4:1-9 - "A True, Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely and Admirable Life" - Philippians Series #8
03.17.19 - Philippians 3:12-21 - "Pressing on to Win the Prize" - Philippians Series #7
03.10.19 - Philippians 3:1-10 - "Paul's Greatest Discovery" - Philippians Series #6
03.03.19 - Philippians 2:12-18 - "Holding Forth the Word of Life" - Philippians Series #5
02.24.19 - Philippians 2:1-11 - "Can God Be Humble?" - Philippians Series #4
02.17.19 - Philippians 1:12-26 - "Chained Up to Live" - Philippians Series #3
02.10.19 - Philippians 1:7-11 - "The Day of Christ" - Philippians Series #2
02.03.19 - Philippians 1:1-6 - "God's Good Work in Us" - Philippians Series #1
01.27.19 - Acts 1:6-15 - "Come Over to Haiti and Help Us"
01.13.19 - John 1:29-51 - "A Contagious Church"
01.06.19 - Luke 5:33-39 - "Stuck"
12.30.18 - Luke 2:41-52 - "Where to Find God When Lost"
12.23.18 - Luke 2:25-40 - "Divine Appointments at Christmas"
12.16.18 - Luke 1:26-38 - "The Joy of Eternal Relationships"
12.9.18 - Matthew 1:1-17 - "Where Did Jesus Come From?"
12.2.18 - Isaiah 60:1-6 - "What Is This Light?"
11.25.18 - 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 - "The Heart of Every Thanksgiving"
11.18.18 - Matthew 5:13-16 - "A City on a Hill"
11.11.18 - 1 Samuel 17 - "Confronting Giants Who Defy the Living God" - guest Prof. Wm. Wagner
11.04.18 - Romans 5 - "While We Were Yet Sinners" - guest Rev. Dr. Peter VandeBrake
10.28.18 - Revelation 21:9-27 - "They Lived Happily Ever After" - Jealousy of God Series #4
10.21.18 - 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 - "Lambs Among Wolves" - Jealousy of God Series #3
10.14.18 - John 14:1-10 - "The Bridegroom Leaves" - Jealousy of God Series #2
10.07.18 - Zechariah 8:1-8 - "A Holy Love" - Jealousy of God Series #1
09.30.18 - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - "Developing an Attitude of Gratitude" - guest Pastor Lonnie Shields
09.23.18 - John 2:1-11 - "The Last & Greatest Celebration"
09.16.18 - Matthew 4:1-11 - "Silencing the Devil"
09.09.18 - Matthew 3:1-12 - "How Does God Get Our Attention?"
09.02.18 - Ephesians 2:1-10 - "Seated with Christ" -LABOR DAY
08.26.18 - Luke 19:1-10 - "The Shalom of Jesus" - guest Rev. Bill Campbell
08.19.18 - 1 John 1:8-9 - "On Self Forgiveness" - guest Rev. Dr. Michael Barry
08.12.18 - Mark 4:12-22 - "The Most Beautiful Season of Life"
08.05.18 - Mark 4:26-29 - "The Confidence & Rest of the Farmer"
07.29.18 - Matthew 9:27-38 - "Sheep Without a Shepherd"
07.22.18 - John 4:1-42 - "Unlikely Evangelists"
07.15.18 - 1 John 1:1-4 - "The Incredible Power of Sharing"
07.08.18 - Romans 7:14:25 - "The Real Battle for Freedom" - INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND
07.01.18 - Psalm 19:7-11 - "What the Word of God Will Do for Us" - guest Rev. Bert Block
06.24.18 - Psalm 104 - "Have You Ever Really Smelled a Rose?"
06.17.18 - Genesis 27:1-40 - "Did You Receive the Blessings?" - FATHER'S DAY
06.10.18 - Psalm 1 - "The Fruitful & Multiplying Life"
06.03.18 - Hebrews 9:11-28 - "Nothing but the Blood"
05.27.18 - Luke 23:26-43 - "Will Someone Remember Me?" - MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND
05.20.18 - Acts 2:1-21 - "The Spirit-filled Life" - PENTECOST SUNDAY
05.13.18 - John 14:15-31 - "God's Answer for Orphans" - MOTHER'S DAY
05.06.18 - Luke 17:11-19 - "Every Christian Has a Testimony"
04.29.18 - Acts 8:26-40 - "The Joy of Evangelism"
04.22.18 - 1 Corinthians 15:1-26 - "The Power of the Bodily Resurrection"
04.15.18 - Worship Cancelled, Ice Storm
04.08.18 - Luke 24:13-35 - "Broken Bread, Open Eyes"
04..01,18 - John 20:1-18 - "Finding Our Way Home" - EASTER
03.30.18 - John 19:30 - "A Finished Work" - GOOD FRIDAY
03.25.18 - Matthew 21:1-11 - "The Celebration" - PALM SUNDAY
03.18.18 - Job 19 - "Portraits of Christ: Job" - Portraits Series #9
03.11.18 - Jeremiah 37:11-38:13 - "Portraits of Christ: Jeremiah" - Portraits Series #8
03.04.18 - 2 Samuel 18:19-33 - "Portraits of Christ: David" - Portraits Series #7
02.25.18 - Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-29 - "Loving God with All Your Heart" - guest Rev. Dr. Peter VandeBrake
02.18.18 - Ruth 4 - "Portraits of Christ: Boaz" - Portraits Series #6
02.11.18 - Exodus 3:1-15 - "Portraits of Christ: Moses" - Portraits Series #5
02.04.18 - Genesis 41:41-57 - "Portraits of Christ: Joseph" - Portraits Series #4
01.28.18 - Genesis 8:1-17 -"Portraits of Christ: Noah" - Portraits Series #3
01.21.18 - Genesis 4:1-16 - "Portraits of Christ: Abel" - Portraits Series #2
01.14.18 - Romans 5:12-21 - "Portraits of Christ: Adam" - Portraits Series #1
01.07.18 - Romans 11:33-12:2 - "What Really Changes People"
12.31.17 - Matthew 2:13-23 - "Returning Home"
12.24.17 - Luke 2;1-20 - "Politics and the Prince of Peace"
12.10.17 - Luke 1:26-38 - "Surprised by God for the First Time"
12.03.17 - Genesis 3:1-20 - "Adam's First Christmas"
11.26.17 - Matthew 6:25-34 - "Discovering Grace & Thankfulness in an Entitlement World"
11.19.17 - Hebrews 11:1-16 - "Looking for a New Home"
11.12.17 - Leviticus 1 - "The Joy of the Burnt Offering"
11.05.17 - Exodus 20:4-6, Matthew 6:19-21, Romans 1:21-23 - "The Second Commandment--Pursuing the Jealousy of God" - guest Rev. Don VanDyke
10.29.17 - Genesis 22:1-19, Matthew 6:9-13 - "Temptation and Evil" - guest Rev. Dr. Peter VandeBrake
10.22.17 - I John 1:3-9 - "What Is Truth?" - impromptu fill-in Elder Tom Broughton
10.15.17 - Revelation 4 & 5 - "Trumpet of the King" - Trumpet Series
10.08.17 - 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 - "Trumpet of Transformation" - Trumpet Series
10.01..17 - Joshua 6:1-20 - "Trumpet of Victory" - Trumpet Series
09.24.17 - James 1:5-8, 12 - "God's Provision & Promise for Trials" - guest Rev. Bert Block
09.17.17 - Leviticus 25:8-28 - "Trumpet of Liberty" - Trumpet Series
09.10.17 - Exodus 19:10-25 - "Trumpet of Grace" - Trumpet Series
09.03.17 - Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 - "The First Labor Day" - Pastor Carlson is back
8.27.17 - Matthew & Psalm - "Forgiveness" - guest Dr. Peter VandeBrake
8.20.17 - Gen. & Rom. - "Martin Luther & the ? for Eternity - Pastor VanDyke
8.13.17 - Colossians 4:2-18 - "What was Life Really Like in the Early Church - Colossians series
8.06.17 - Colossians 3:18 - 4:1 - "Divine Order & Our Modern Authority Crisis" Colossians series
7.30.17 - Colossians 3:15-17 - "Letting the Peace of Christ Rule" - Colossians series
7.23.17 - Colossians 3:5-14 - "Can a Person Crucify Themselves?" - Colossians series
7.16.17 - Zechariah 4:1-14 - "Small Things" - guest: Dr. Ed McCallum, EPC, World Outreach
7.9.17 - Colossians 3: 1-4 - "Our Real Life" - Colossians series
7.2.17 - Matthew 16: 13-19 -"Who Did They Say He Was?" - 4th of July
6.25.17 - Colossians 2: 13-23 - "The Triumph of the Cross" Colossians series
6.18.17 - Romans 5: 1-12 - "Who's Your Daddy?" - Father's Day
6.11.17 - Colossians 2: 1-12 - "Have You Been Taken Captive?" Colossians series
6.4.17 - Colossians 1:21-29 - "The Mystery of Life, Christ in Us" Colossians series
5.28.17 - Colossians 1:15-20 - "All Things" - Series from the Book of Colossians
5.21.17 - Colossians 1:1-14 - "Living a Life Worthy of Our Calling" - Colossians series
5.14.17 - Matthew 15:21-28 - "The Intercessor" Mother's Day
05.07.17 - The Lord's Prayer pt. 3 -"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" Guest: P. Vanderbrake
04.30.17 - Hebrews 9:11-22 - "Real Love is a Messy Business"
04.23.117 - John 20:19-31 - "From Mountain Tops to Valleys in a Week"
04.16.17 - John 19:38-20:9 - "Seeing is Believing" EASTER
04.09.17 - Matthew 21:1-11 - Finding a New Song to Sing" - Palm Sunday
04.02.17 - Matthew 20:17-28 - "How Real is the Coming Kingdom to You?"
03.26.17 - Galatians 3:26-29 - "Identity Theft - Covered with Christ"
03.19.17 - 11 Samuel 9 - "Identity Theft - Dining with the King"
03.12.17 - Ephesians 1:1-10 - "Identity Theft" - "Holy and Blameless in His Sight"
03.05.17 - Romans 8:12-17 - "Identity Theft" - A Father Makes All the Difference
02.26.17 - II Corinthians 5:16-21 - "Identity Theft" - Our Modern Identity Crisis
02.19.17 - Luke 18:9-14 - "Lord, I need a Miracle - I am Proud"
02.12.17 - Exodus 15: 22-27 - "Lord, I Need a Miracle - I'm Bitter" Jeff Carlson
02.05.17 - I Kings 19: 1-18 - "Lord, I Need a Miracle - I'm Depressed" Jeff Carlson
01.29.17 - John 9: 1-41 - "Lord, I Need a Miracle - I'm Blind" Jeff Carlson
01.22.17 - Mark 5:1-20 - "Lord, I Need a Miracle - I Think I Have a Demon" Jeff Carlson
01.15.17 - John 5:1-15 - "Lord, I Need a Miracle - I'm Stuck" Jeff Carlson
01-08-17 - Luke 5: 12-16 - "Lord, I Need a Miracle - I'm Unclean" Jeff Carlson
01.01.17 - Exodus 12: 1-30 - "A New Calendar for a New Year and Beyond". Jeff Carlson
HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2017 - A new Beginning at Oakhill Church
12.25.16 - Luke 2: 21.-35 - "Waiting a Lifetime" - Simeon
12.18.16 - John 1:1-14 -"The Mystery & Magnitude of the Manger". - Advent "Love"
12.11.16 - Luke 1:5-25 - "Resurrecting Christmas for the Old at Heart" - Advent "Peace"
12.04.16 - Luke 1: 26-38 - "Starting Over" - Jeff Carlson - Advent "Hope"
11.27.16 - Numbers 24:15-19 - "I Saw His Star" - Jeff Carlson - Advent "Joy"
11.20.16 - I Chronicles 29:1-25 - "Building For Eternity"
11.13.16 - Revelation 3:14-22 - "Jesus Speaks to His Church in Laodicea" - (7 Churches of Revelation Series #7)
11.06.16 - Revelation 3: 7-13 - "Jesus Speaks to His Church in Philadelphia" - ( 7 Churches of Revelation Series #6)
10.30.16 - Revelation 3:1-6 - "Jesus Speaks to His Church in Sardis" - Rev. Jeff Carlson (7 Churches of Revelation Series #5)
10.23.16 - Revelation 2:18-29 - "Jesus Speaks to His Church in Thyatira" - Rev. Jeff Carlson (7 Churches of Revelation Series #4)
10.16.16 - Revelation 2:12-17 - "Jesus Talks to His Church in Pergamum" - Rev. Jeff Carlson (7 Churches of Revelation Series #3)
10.09.16 - Revelation 2:8-11 - "Jesus Talks to His Church at Smyrna" - Rev. Jeff Carlson (7 Churches of Revelation Series #2)
10.02.16 - Revelation 2:1-7 - "Jesus Talks to His Church at Ephesus" - Rev. Jeff Carlson (7 Churches of Revelation Series #1)
09.25.16 - James 1:1-8, Romans 8:26-28-"How to Fix the Fix God Put You In" - Pastor Chuck VanLente - guest
09.18.16 - Matthew 3-"The Power of Humility in a Proud World" -Rev. Jeff Carlson
09.11.16 - Joshua 3 -"Crossing Over from Death to Life" - Rev. Jeff Carlson
09.04.16 - Romans 4:1 -12 - "Abraham's Labor Day" -Rev. Jeff Carlson
08.28.16 - Psalm 96 - "World Music" - Dr. Ed McCallum - guest
08.21.16 -1 kings 3:7-14 - "Lessons from the Life of Solomon" - Pastor Lonnie Shields - guest
08.14.16 - Matthew 6:9-13 & Isaiah 11:6-9 - "God's Kingdom and God's Will" - Rev. Dr. Peter VandeBrake - guest
08.07.16 - John 6:53-71 - "What to Do with Hard Teaching" - Rev. Jeff Carlson
07.31.16 - Acts 18:1-17 - "Reaching the Remnant" - Rev. Jeff Carlson
07.24..16 - Matthew 10:16-42 - "Rejoice, Even in Persecution" - Rev. Dr. Stephen Kelly - guest
07.17.16 - I Cor. 12: & I Peter 4: - "Holy Spirit Leads to Holy Spirit Gifts:" Pastor Chuck Van Lente - guest
07.10.16 - John 20-21 - "Missionare! There you Are" - part 2 - Guest Pastor Lasse Levin
07/03.16 - John 20:21-22 - "Missionary! There You Are" part 1 - Guest: Pastor Lasse Levin
06.26.16 - Acts 2:1-13 "Reversing the Tower of Babel" - Pastor Jeff Carlson
06.19.16 - Matthew 6: & Ezekiel 36: - "Hallowed Be Thy Name" - guest Dr. Peter VandeBrake
06.12.16 - II Corinthians 3 - "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus"
06.05.16 - 11Samuel 18:19-33 - "The Foundation of Substitutionary Love"
05.29.16 - John 19:1-30 - "Take That Hill At All Cost" Memorial Day
05.22.16 - Genesis 1:2 - 2:3 "Beautiful World, beautiful LORD"
05.15.16 - Acts 2:1-21 - PENTECOST SUNDAY - "Fire"
05.08.16 - Matthew 15:21-28 - "How do you say 'No' to a Mother's Love?"
05.1.16 - John 11:38-53 - "The Politics of Scapegoat"
04.24.16 - Mark: 16: 14-20 - The Greatest Sign & Wonder / A Changed Life" (last words of Jesus remembered)
04.17.16 - Luke 24:36-53 - "God's Greatest Promise" (last words of Jesus remembered)
04.10.16 - John 21:15-25 - "A Wonderful Plan for Our Lives" (last words of Jesus remembered)
04.03.16 - Matthew 28: 16-20 - "Sharing the Faith can be FUN ... Really" (last words of Jesus remembered)
03.27.16 - Easter Sunday: Matthew 27:62-28:15 - "A Government We Can Trust"
03.25.16 - Good Friday Service:
03.20.16 - Palm Sunday: Matthew 21:1-11 - "All Our Might"
03.13.16 - The Cross in the OT: Judges 16:18-31 - "Bringing Down the House
03.06.16- The Cross in the OT: Genesis 3:1-10 - "Eating From the Tree"
02.28.16 - The Cross in the OT: Exodus 15:22-27 - "How Do You Make Life Sweet Again?"
02.21.16 - II Timothy 4:9-22 - "Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory" - series from book of II Timothy
02.14.16 - II Timothy 4:1-8 - "What is Sound Doctrine?" - series from book of II Timothy
02.07.16 - II Timothy 3:10-17 "Developing a Love Affair with the Word" - series from book of IITimothy
01.31.16 - II Timothy 3:1-9 "What Happens When Jesus is Gone?" -series from book of II Timothy
01.24.16 = II Timothy 2:14-26 - "Living a Big Life in a Small World" - series from book of II Timothy
01.17.16 - II Timothy 2:1-13 - "Disciples" - series from the book of II Timothy
01.10.16 - II Timothy 1: "Finding Power in a Fearful World" - series from the book of II Timothy
01.03-16 - Matthew 16: 21-28 - "The Value of the Soul"
12.27.15 - Luke 2:41 -52 - "In Search of the Son"
12.20.15 - Advent: Luke 2:1-10 - "The Union for Reunion"
12.13.16 - Advent: Matthew 1:18-25 - "The Name Above Every Name:
12.6.15 - Advent: Luke 2:10-11 - "Leaping Babies"
11.29.15 - Advent: Isaiah 40:1-5 "Preparing for a King's Coming"
11.22.15 - Esther 10: "The Greatness of Mordecai" - series from the Book of Esther
11.15.15 - Esther 9: - "The Sons of Haman" - series from the Book of Esther
11.08.15 - Esther 8: - "I Will Bless Those That Bless You" - series from the Book of Esther
11.01.15 - Esther 7: - "You Can't Hide the Glory of Easter" - series from the Book of Esther
10.25.15 - Esther 6: - "In Defense of the Throne" - series from the Book of Esther
10.18.15 - Esther 5: - "Watching Evil Turn to Good" - series from the Book of Esther
10.11.18 - Esther 4: - "For Such a Time as This" - series from the Book of Esther
10.04.15 - Esther 3: - "History's Longest Conspiracy" - series from the Book of Esther
9.27.15 - Esther 2: 1-18 - "The Search" - series from the Book of Esther
9.20.15 - Psalm 84 - "The Secret Power of a Door Keeper" - Guest: Chuck VanLente
9.13.15 - Esther 1: - "Banished from the Kingdom" - series from the Book of Esther
9.6.15 - Luke 9:57-62 - "Resting on the Cross" - Labor Day
8.30.15 - Judges 6:1-40 - "Go in the Strength You Have" - Guest: Dr. Paul Mpindi
8.23.15 - Ephesians 5:25-33 - "Finding The Perfect Husband"
8.16.15 - Matthew 3 - Series: The Church in Exile: "There is a Season, Turn, Turn, Turn"
8.09.15 - Revelation 3: 7-13 - Series: The Church in Exile: " The Great Escape"
8.2.15 - Revelation 1 - Series: The Church in Exile: "Alone on Patmos"
7.19.15 - Daniel 1 - Series: The Church in Exile: "Reaching Babylon"
7.12.15 - Psalm 79 - Series: The Church in Exile: What to do When the Holy is Trampled"
7.5.15 - John 8:31-47 - "A Freedom Worth Dying For"
6.28.15 - Jeremiah 2:1-13 - "Returning to Our First Love"
6.21.15 - Galatians 4:17 - "A Place in Our Father's House"
6.14.15 - Exodus: 17: 8-15 - "Our Flag Still Waves"
6.7.15 - Isaiah 25:9 - "YHWY Saves" - guest: Jesse Nash
5.31.15 - John 4:1-42 - Many Surprises at Jacob's Well - guest Dr. Peter VandeBrake
5.24.15 - Acts 1-8, Acts 2:1-18 - "Flying Closer to the Flame" - guest Chuck VanLente
5.17.15 - Luke 19: 11-27 - "How Many Cities Will You Get?"
5.10.15 - Numbers 6:22-27 - "Kissed by the Face of God"
5.03.15 - John 20:19-31 - "Just One Doubt"
4.26.15 - Matthew 28: 16-20: "The Great Confusion" Series on Jesus' Post Resurrection Appearances
4.19.15 - Luke 24: 33-44: "Making Heaven Real" Series on Jesus' Post Resurrection Appearances
4.12.15 - Luke 24:13-35: "Recognizing the Real Jesus" Series on Jesus' Post Resurrection Appearances
4.05.15 - Firstfruits/Easter Sunday: Matthew 27:57 - 28:15 - "Securing the Tomb"
3.29.15 - Palm Sunday: Mark 11: 1-11 - "Donkeys for Jesus"
3.22.15 - At the Foot of the Cross: John 19: 34 - "Pierced"
3.15.15 - At the Foot of the Cross: Luke 23:32-43 -0 "Remembering the Covenant"
3.08.15 - At the Foot of the Cross: Matthew 27: 27-56 - "Murdered by the Church"
3.01.15 - At the Foot of the Cross: Mark 15: 16-39 - "Watching the Son of God Die"
2.22.15 - At the Foot of the Cross: Luke 23:13-43 - "Save Yourself, Save Us"
2.15.15 - Jude: 1-25 Series from Jude - "The Lord's Ultimate Goal in History"
2.08.15 - Jude: 1-23 Series from Jude - "Without the Spirit"
2.1.15 - Jude: 1-16 Series from Jude - "Finding a Good Shepherd in a World of Wolves"
1.25.15 - Jude: 1 - 11 : Series from the Book of Jude "The Seduction of the Church"
1.18.15 - Jude: 1-7 : Series from the Book of Jude " Lessons from Sodom and Gomorrah"
1.11.15 - Jude 1-4 : Series from the Book of Jude "Contending for the Faith"
1.4.15 - John 19:28-37 - "Unforgiveable Sin, unforgettable Grace"
12.28.14 - Luke 2: 21-40 - "Amazing Anna"
12.21.14 - Advent: Matthew 2:1-12 "The Hope of the Nations"
12.14.14. - Advent: Luke 1: 26-38 - "The Greatest Miracle of All"
12.7.14 - Advent: Luke 2: 1-20 - "The House of Bread"
11.30.14 - Advent: Isaiah 11:1-9 - "Christmas is for Children"